Hi-Lite Monopole
Engineers, architects, utilities and city planners require safe, economical, low-maintenance structure. With the lowering device for projectors the Hi-Lite Monopole enhance both new and existing lighting projects
The clean, aerodynamic design options ensure an Aesthetic pleasing design that meets most of the architects requirements.
Assembling Speed
The fastest assembling solution available in the market.
Indicated for
For roadways, ports and other industrial areas that require high mounting height structures.
Ficha técnicaTecnology security
Seccional offers the best in precision engineering to meet the most demanding requirements of the market, including Finite Element Analysis through a proprietary software that was validated by the Concurrent Engineering Research and Development Laboratory (NuPES) of the Federal Center for Education in Technology of Parana and Universidade Positivo.
Wind tunnel analysis were performed at the Prof. Joaquim Blessmann boundary layer wind tunnel, located in the Laboratório de Aerodinâmica das Construções (LAC) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, Brazil validating the superior behavior of Seccional solutions.
Seccional performs full-scale prototype testing on a wide variety of structures including poles, guyed towers and self-supporting towers simulating the conditions and variables that concern the client most. TECPAR Technological Institute of Parana, LACTEC Labs besides other certified test stations have successfully performed the tests approving Seccional solutions.